Tuesday, November 9, 2010

If Computers can only see numbers, then how is it possible that they can store pictures?

       Pictures contain specific number patterns that determien each picture from others. these patterns are called pixels. Each pixel has its own address. The address of a pixel corresponds to its coordinates. Pixels are usually arranged in a two-dimensional grid using numbers. This is how a computer can store pictures using numbers

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Problem: There are 20 people in the room, each person must shake hands with every other person in the room. How many handshakers were there?

This problem is Algorithm!

1st person---- shakes 19 hands
2nd person--- shakes 18 hands
3rd person--- shakes 17 hands
4th person--- shakes 16 hands
5th person--- shakes 15 hands
and so on until 20 people....

answer is : 190

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What are the steps you use to solve a problem?

         In order to solve a problem, one mustm thoroughly understand whatt the problem is asking. analyze the problem until you are completely understand it. Next, if anything is needed to solve the problem, get those materials. Next break down the problem by making diagrams or anything to help you solve the problem. Then, solve the problem one step at a time. Once the problem is solved, check it to make sure you solved it correctly. Next, compare you answer with the answer of others. Once you check your answer and it is correct, then you are finished. You have succeeded in solvign the problem.

Friday, October 15, 2010

How can you be sure that there is an actual person at the other end of the chat line?

       What or who is supposed to be at the other end of the chat line? I think only people are capable of actaully typing and compehending what you are saying. Actaully when i think about it, it is possible for a spam bot to also be messaging you. But chat websites usually require a comfirmation code type thing to determine if the user is a spam bot. Usually spam bots are not capable of typing in the correct code; hence, the chat website does not allow spam bots.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What is a computer program?

        A computer program is a set of  instructions that give specific tasks for the computer to preform. A computer puts in the program's instructions into a central proicessor. The program has an executable form that the computer can use to execute the instructions. Types of programs found on a computer include: Microsoft Word, Photoshop, Adobe, etc. They are designed to help with different functions; however, you have to input exact information for the program or else it will not understand your directions and will not preform them or will preform an incorrect operation. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Can you believe everything you see/read on the internet?

         I do not think that you should belive everything you see or read on the internet. I belierve this because bias articles can be written online. False informationc an also be posted online, so I suggest using relaibale sources such as websites that end with .gov, .edu, etc.
          How can you tell truth from lies? You can determine if the information is true or not by the website name and the end of teh url. It is more relaiable to use websites that end with .gov, .ed, etc. rather than .com. I also suggest not to use Wikipedia.com because anyone can edit it. Also make sure to check the date of last update because certain information change during time, such as scientific facts.


          I really enjoyed this website. It is a type of search engine that finds the best of the web, recommended just for you in repsonse to your personal needs. On StumbleUpon.com,  there is a wide range of topics to choose from. You start by chooseing your topic. Each time you click the same topic, it gives you a new result. My favorite topic out of hte bunch was 'Arts'. I liked this topic because the results would mostly be interative. Fun shapes would pop out, you could draw. This website was really easy to use and actaully very enjoyable. It was also very differnt from any other websites i have ever used before. The reuslts that StumbleUpon.com provides can not easily be found threw Google. From now on, I will start using this website as often as possible.
         Google and StumbleUpon are alike and dissimmilar in many different ways. StumbleUpon.com is a discovery engine that finds the best webpages upon your topic request. It allows the user to discover and rate Web pages, photos, and videos that are personalized to their tastes and interests. StumbleUpon also has it's own toolbar. This website also requires a subscription in order to use it. upon choosing your desired topic, StumbleUpon.com gives you random not precise info on the chosen topic. The results given are different each tiem you click the topic. Google.com is a search engine that provides many different results in response to what is being searched. It is free to use and does not require subscription. Both websites are similar because they both provide information to the user.
          StumbleUpon.com is used when no specific detailed search is being looked for. If the topic is given, but there is no specicif thing you are looking for then this is the website to use. Google is used when a specific result is needed. It is used when you need info fast.